Thursday, December 28, 2006

28 dEcember nO bIrds iN hAnd wHat-so-eVer...

Daily Mockery

26 dEcember 2004.....
a Tsunami hit several areas of Asia (mostly in Indonesia....) and killed nearly a quater of a million people.....

pEople called it the wrath of God.....
i Think it was because Christians were not allowed to celebrate Christmas in town so a bunch of them celebrated it outside, hence were mostly saved from the tragedy...

tWo years later.....
26 dEcember 2006.....
aN earthquake at the magnitude of 7.1 shook-up off the coast of Taiwan. Taiwan was hit, 2 died, 2 Undersea communication cables snapped...... iNternet connections around South East Asia with the world went out.....

wOnder if anyone's going to make it into a sign stating that God is trying to tell us to stay away from the internet......


yEt aNother dAy..... wIthout cOnnection......

wEll, for everyone using our, so-called, broadband (namely sTreamyx), it certainly is a familiar feeling to switch on your computer and router only to find that the connection is down, or just being a biatch...... iT's happened so often, it's become what its famous for.....

wEll, at least on a good day, it's better than dail-up, so i wouldn't complain..... much.....

eVerything seemed normal Tuesday night, 26 dEcember, and i was still galloping away on my hourse in Mabinogi with Rita, roaming around the new continent, searching for burried treasure and getting my horse killed over curiosity..... wEll, it was a new place, with new monsters.... hOw was i to know something that small could have so much juice in it to kick a horse's arse..... wOrse thing was, it was a hairy wild pig not more than half the size of my horse......

tHe night went, and mOrning came and as usual, came the routine of waking up for work. aT my desk i arrived, only to find the internet connection being a biatch....

MSN messanger literally refused to sign in....
fIrefox was loading only peanuts....
bTcomet just stood there looking useless.... bUt that's just normal since telekom re-allocated the bandwidth....

tOok nearly all morning to find out that most places around Kuching...
aNd another few more hours to find out that the whole Malaysia was affected....
tOok another 2 or 3 more hours to receive the news that it was caused by an off-shore earthquake in Taiwan.....

wHich in-turn translate into a connection-less day at work........

ARGHHHHH~~~SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i Guess i've really gotten too used to having broadband connection almost everyday......

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

19 dEcember Christmas iS nExt wEek!

Daily Mockery

eVery year, around the time October waltz around, life becomes a living hell.....

tHe air is cursed by the unholy stench of the cursed fruit.....
a Stench that could knock someone out......
a Cursed fruit only those addicted would love......

tHus every October.....marks the annual dawn of.....

dUrian season.........


rEminiscence oF a sNake......

iT was sometime at the dawn age of a mighty ruler of game console, the Playstation 2. aS games were slowly spouting out one by one, came a sequal to a game which made its way into the hearts of many gamers whence it was was released on the previous console ruler, the PS.....

tHis was a game that allowed you to play hide and seek and tag at the same time....
tHis was a game where you can lock an unconscious guy in a locker.....
tHis was a game that allowed you to lock yourself in a locker......
tHis was a game that let let you fool you enemies with a toy soldier + a touch light...
tHis was a game that you could shoot someone continuously in the head/arse/crotch with a traquilizer gun early in the game.....

tHis was also a game that allowed you to do this.....

cOsplay as a box......

tHe game swept through the gaming world like a tsunami. bOth the enhanced graphics and improved gameplay caused quite a commotion back when it was first released......

sOme fans even went the the extent of making a real-life parody of it.....

i'Ve played it.....though didn't finish it.....yEt.....
bUt it was enough for it to leave its mark in my head......even till today....

lAst week, the family went out and bought a new washing machine. aNd of course, with the machine, came the box.....


aNd along with the box, came.....

instant fun......

Friday, December 15, 2006

15 dEcember wAck tHe wEasle

Daily Mockery

i Had a rhyme i wanted to write here earlier,
tHought i'd remember as my mind was still clear.
sO i got clicking just over here...
oNly to realize my greatest fear......

gReat.....i'Ve forgotten what i initially wanted to write.....


nOses iN sOmeone eLse's bEef....

nO it's not what you think.....

hAve you ever played this game as when you were younger? yOu form a line then the first gut whispers something to the second guy, and the message is passed down the line and the last person in the line calls out the message he'd been told. tHe group with the message closest to the original, wins.

if you've played this game before, yo'll know how comedic the final message could become. iMagine

"To be, or not to be?"

could actually end up as

"A bee had just stung me!"

yOu be the judge.....

i Don't know what got people playing this game in the first place, but to me, it's an experiment of human nature.

eVer so often, someone is told a rumour, and the rumour then spreads to a ten, and the ten spreads to a hundred (AKA the mandarin idiom '一傳十,十傳百').

aNd as if spreading rumours, which often doesn't even have a single spec of solid proof of truth, people tend to spice up the story, adding in their own versions and 'enhencements' to it. i Guess it's just in the human genes to take something, modify it and then send it out again.....

wHether if it's just a harmless joke or a story to defame someone, the one under the spot-light is often put through much interrogation and shame.

iT maybe fun and useful in making conversation to share the rumours about a certain someone with a bunch of friends, but have you ever thought about the consequences of it all? sOmeone you know for years might be get defamed over the things you say and the little 'enhancement' you added just to spice up the story.

fRiends could turn into enemies......
fAmilies could fall apart......
cOmpanies could go bankrupt.......
jUst because someone decided to spice up the rumour he/she heard, and spread it to another... has the following description of the word 'rumour'( or rumor in American):
- a story or statement in general circulation without confirmation or certainty as to fact
- gossip;hearsay

iN lay-man's terms, there's is no proof of whether the story is true or not.....

sEeing so many cases of this happening around me, and even being put under the spotlight several times, got me wondering why people can't just shut up about things that they don't even have proof to.

aRe people in Kuching really That bored?!

tHat they need to make up stupid rumours about their Friends and spread it around just to make their like more entertaining???

lIke here you have
"WOW! did u hear about X and Y getting together??"
"OMigosh! i Heard someone saw them holding hands!"
"WA~~ nO, A said they kissed passionately in Water-front!"
"ISSIT!?!?! i heard from B they Y stayed over at X's house ah!"
"WALAU!!!! They are up to that Extent liaw ah! Must be doing it ah!!!"

i Mean WTF!?

aRE you really that BORED???
sO Korean drama don't hit the spot anymore!?
aLl the information and things to do on the internet is not IN anymore????
tHat you have to go and pry into other people's business and spice up their life by 'enhancing' and 'modifying' it into a stupid rumours with flying pigs???

dUde! yOu really need a H-O-B-B-I-E! hOw about Bungy jumping? wIth any luck, the rope would snap and, MAN! that'll be very exciting for all of us to talk about!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

13 dEcember 2 dRops of cHocolate~

Daily Mockery

iT's funny how people can be selfish as to be naive about it.
iN other words, they don't even know they are being selfish at all......

bUt it's actually more common than anyone think.....


sOmethings cHange, sOmethings dOn't......

sKipped work and ran off to hAd to send some brochures to 一中 (Chung Hua Middle School No.1) just now. i'd always get a sentimental feeling when i go back to my old school. eSpecially 一中, since i practically 'grew' (intended without the 'up')there.

a Lot has changed since i left 6 years ago. iT almost seemed like another school now.

aFter handing over the brochures to 楊月玲老師 (the counselling teacher), i decided to take a short stroll around the familiar surroundings and take a few pictures....


aPparently, they've built a bronze statue over the two outdoor badminton courts and rennovated the 2 lily-ponds. tRy to imagin how the statue and the ponds would look from the building behind it.......

aS i strolled along, i met a few of my teachers and had some small talk with them. oFten , i am rather terrified about speaking to them (i don't know why either....), but today, i get a warm feeling when i see that they are all still fine.

wHat stroll would be complete if i didn't re-visit my old favourite spots.

tHe old tree is still standing tall and mighty. tHough i must say, the leaves used to be alot more lush green. tHink it's also getting bald with old age.

tHe school assembly hall seems wider without the stacked-up green plastic chairs. mEmories of working backstage during the annual talent nights still linger in my mind. i couldn't help noticing that the 2 對聯 beside the stage are gone though.......

aNd lastly, the stroll took me to one of my most frequent places back when i was just a high-school student.....

tHe Long-house (toilet)..... tHey kept the style and structure, but they got rid of the holes......

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

12 dEcember bAck to wOrk....

Daily Mockery

i'Ve been pushing myself to go out and get a haircut over the weekends....
iN the end, i chicken-ed out.....

gUess i was afraid that i'll end up with a coconut over my head....again......


wEekend + 2 dAys lEave = lAzy tUesday...

sO much could happen in 4 days.
i Had 2 days left in my annual leave, and considering the fact that no admin staff are permitted to apply for leave in the last 2 weeks of December due to the January intake, i took last Friday and yesterday off. wHich meant my weekend began early and i still had the chance to lie in bed till 10am even though it was Monday.

nEat huh!?

4 days seems like such a short time. bUt looking back, so much could happen in such a sort period of time....

fIrst of all, my 'holliday' didn't have a 'flowers and butterfly, bees and honey' begining to it..... i Was at an education roadshow until 7pm last Thursday. wHen we finally packed up everything to go home, it was almost 730pm, and i was sweaty, cold and my face was numb after all that smiling.....

aS glad as i was that the whole ordeal was over and a long holiday laid waiting, the drive home seemed as normal as any other drive home. hOw was i to know that....
uPon reaching my lorong, a 'Ninja Turtle' reversed and Rammed into my Nissan Sunny.... 1 Smashed head-light + a Dent in my head-light socket area.

lUckily the guy agreed to pay for all my repairs and introduced me to his mechanic...

mY car had to be sent into the shop for 2 days..... i Got my car back on Saturday though... tHink i'll post of pictures of the damage and repairs soon....

oN a lighter note, Rita and i decided to put together her old CPU with my old monitor to set-up another PC. nOw, initially we wanted to get a video output card for it so that we could watch Real Media Player files in my room. bUt doing so would mean....spending extra which we don't have since we got our dream phone.....

sO i had the crazy idea of putting my old monitor (which had been taking up space and collecting dust in my brother's deserted room) and Rita's old Pentium 3 (which had been left untouched in a corner of my kitchen) to use. aT that point i wasn't even sure if the monitor could still run. aFter 1 format, 1 series of driver/program instalation and a trip to the nearby hardware store for am extension cord and some speakers, the system was ready. nExt came moving my PS games to make room for monitor..... i Think i'm still coughing out dust bunnies..... aFter extensive wiping and a battle alongside my trusty side-kick, the vacumn cleaner, the stage was set and the computer is now proudly sitting next to my tv. nOw i have a computer in my room..... gOsh i feel even more like an OTAKU than i did before.... yOu's think the same thing if you saw the picture i took of side of the wall in my room....

wHat else happened? wEll, just found out a friend of mine studying abroad had just broken-up with his girlfriend over the weekends. dOn't be too Sad, dude. bEtter days will come.

oH, the Weather was awesome, we had a storm almost every night. oNe night it almost seemed that we were about to hae a flood. wAter even over-flowed into the kitchen washroom from the drain in our yard.

wEll, guess good things must come to an end....sO ends my short holiday for the end of the year.....

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

6 dEcember hAppY bIrThdAy Bakyi!!!

Daily Mockery

i'Ve just found out that my little USB Bluetooth gadget is called a Bluetooth Dongle....

dOngle, which means a piece of computer hardware provided with software.

wHich, coincidentially means....
a Long, stretchy....penis......
(reference, check number 6)


i'Ve fInished iT!

i'Ve FFFF III!!!!!


Finally Finished Final Fantasy III....


i Know, i know, it's a lAme excuse of a joke......

aNd it is up to this point that i finally remembered that my dongle! iS not with me...... wHich means i am unable to upload the Final Final Fantasy 3 (i just had to do that...) save screen here...... aRGGGHHHH!!!!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

1 December nOw tHis iS iNteresting....

Daily Mockery

i'Ve finally decided to register an account at Deviant Art.....

tHough, i'm still yet to post up any of my own drawings.....


tHey sAy sHe wOke uP oN tHe wRong sIde of the pOol....

sOmething caugh my eye at yahoo this morning just at i was moving out there. tHe title read

"Killer Whale Scare at SeaWorld"

hEre's the lInk to the orginal article.

aPparently, this Orca (a.k.a. Killer-Whale), pulled its trainer into the water, not once, but twice during their show. sHow, as in having them, both trainers and Orcas, leaping around in all directions like a nervous Chiwawa on ecstasy and getting audiences wet.

fRom the article, experts explained that this kind of behavior was not unheard of as Orcas would sometimes behave differently according to their mood and health....

tHe article also points out that this incident happened when they were about to do the orcajumpupundertrainerandtrainerjumpofforcanose trick. iNstead of leaping up from under the trainer, it grabbed the trainer by the foot and dragged him under...

hOnestly speaking, i really don't blame the Orca. lEt's analyse shall we?

yOu are taken from the your natural home, a place where the horizon is the limit, fill with fresh, lively fish, surrounded by your family and friends and then put into a tiny water tank, fed dead fish everyday, forced to swim in you own shit, put on display and for millions of small, monkey-like creatures to see, then forced to learn stupid, pointless, degrading tricks, fed more dead fish, forced to perform those stupid, pointless, degrading tricks in front of millions of those small, monkey-like creatures several times a day, more dead fish.........

rIght.... iS there any wonder why this Orca went off the edge at all? sEriously, if i were the one in that situation, i would have ran my face against the aquarium wall till my head cracked and i die.....

aNd as if all that wasn't enough, they had to go and do this:

"Kasatka made headlines in 2001 when she became the first killer whale to successfully give birth in captivity after being artificially inseminated."

yEs, they got you pregnant, without your consent. aNd it's nothing like they set you up on a blind date with a hunky, Legolas like Orca, and you two fall in love and have babies. nO~ tHey get you Loaded then inject sperm from an unknow source! nExt thing you know, you're carrying QuasimotoKillerWhale's babie, without even having the chance to experience the sacred ritual of sex!

wAit, doesn't that sound like the thing we humans call....Rape?? iSn't that illegal in most parts of the world??

aNd to think the 'experts' over at Sea World are puzzled over what could've caused this kind of behavior..... rIght.... experts they say......

Thursday, November 30, 2006

30 November Advent is at hAnd~~~

Daily Mockery

wAs playing FFIII on my NDS the other night and was having a heck of a time trying to make my way through a dungeon with horribly strong monsters. aNd as if it wasn't hard enough, these monsters have the tendancy to "Divide" themselves and multiply......

jObs of my party members included: a Knight, a White mage, a Black mage and a dRagoon....

tHough at the time i knew i was suppose to use my favourite job, the dark knight, to make it easier.... pRoblem was.....i didn't have the right weapons nor did i have strong enough amour for that job.

nOt strong weapons+no strong amour = death = waste of Pheonix down/Raise magic.....

tHing got better as i went deeper into the dungeon though, as i finally got the Genji amour set for the dark knight job, not to mention a strong sword as well.

wIth those equipment at hand, the boss battle was a piece of cake. tHe dungeon took me more than an hour but the boss took only a few minutes....

aFter the boss battle, i decided to train around as my characters' levels were at 39 and i wanted to reach 40.

jUst as i finally levelled.....i accidentally pressed the power button.........


wOah~! tHat wAs lOng......

wEll, from the looks of today's "Daily Mockery", you should have an idea about what i've been doing a lot lately.

yEs, playing Final Fantasy III on the NDS (or as James like to call it, "the thing that you can touch down there").


bEing the FFF (Final Fantasy Freak) i am, it's obvious that i'm hooked on this game. iF you are living with me, you'd see me glued to my NDS every chance i get.


i Can't help it, i'm really a sucker for 3D re-makes of old RPG games. wHat's more, this is Final Fantasy, the game that got me interested in RPG games in the first place. tO add to my addiction, Final Fantasy III allows you to change between classes, unlike the recent versions of FF i've played (FFVIII - Cloud was a soldier, Cid was a dragoon, period/FFVIII - Squall was a squire, Seifer was a knight, period/and so on). tHe idea of being able to train as different classes just grabs me (just like how it did when i played Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Advance).


i Must admit though, i was scepticle about NDS being able to handle the advance CG graphics that Squareenix famous for. aNd this game really prooved me wrong. tHe opening CG ran so smoothly ub superb quality, i nearly had an orgasm when i first saw it.


sO now i'm finally convinced that my choice to buy NDS rather than the PSP was absolutely worth it.

Friday, November 24, 2006

24 November wat time is it again??

Daily Mockery

yOu'll never know what you might online.
yEsterday i was reading a blog entry about famous yet ironic quotes by icons of the IT world today.

hEre's one to show how much i had reading that particular entry:

"640k ought to be enough for anybody."
- fUnny? nO. wHat if i told you that this was said by Bill Gates back in 1981?

aNd another...

"Windows isn't like a virus, viruses do something"

fOllowed by another...

"Window isn't like a virus, viruses rarely fail"

iRonicly these quotes are either very true, or very real. XD


sOmebody's gOt a nEw tOy tO pLay wIth.....

fOr those who know me well enough, i bet you've already grown sick of me nagging and whining about my dream phone, and how i am too stingy don't have money to get one. i'll bet i've nagged and whined so many times, you all are ready to biatch-slap me the next time i say something about it.

aNyways, in case you don't know/don't remember which phone i mean, it's the Soneyericsson w810i.
W810i01 W810i02

sO our story today begins when the gang that i hang out with decided to go phone-hunting over the weekend. iNitially we had no intentions about buying anything then. sAturday came and we met over lunch near Bin's office, and later head of to our fateful battlefield, Green Bucket Plaza (errr... Serbakas.... Se.. it's "Qing Tong" in mandarin so i might as well call it that). iT was there that we made our pilgrimage to from one stall to stall, floor to floor, store to store, checking out the price and package of various phones. i'Ve forgotten to mention, one of us was looking for a phone to buy at the end of the year. tHat was what brought about this little pilgrimage in the first place.

tHen it happened.........

i Swear, every stall and every store we visited, i heard it

"Buy me..... BUY ME!!!!! You know you want ME...."

aT first i just ignored it, but as we made our way thought the floors, the subtle whisper turned into a raging roar!(OMFG, i could hear voices in my head! i'M delusional! ......nOthing new there.....)

tOwards the end of the day, i've totally given-in to the lust...the temptation.... aNd it wasn't only me. aPparently, my little Piggy had also been pulled from grace when i put this question to her earlier,

(tRanslated - "Might as well just go right ahead and buy the phone now, you think?")

tAlk about the whole Adam and Eve episode all over again...... tHe next day (Sunday), we went back and bought ourselves one....each......i Bought one for her, and she bought one for me......

aNd dream has come true....

W810i03 W810i04
mEet KuBoo (sHort for Kuro Boo, meaning Black Pig).

wEll, the downside to this is that now, i am behind schedule in my marriage fund target...... eXcuse me while i hide-away to weep.......

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

21 November w810i YAY~~!!!

Daily Mockery

rEsistance will only cause one to fall even harder.....

nEver resist.....give and take.....


wHat iS tHis wOrld cOming tO.....

jUst got off my daily dosage of blog reading. yOu can never predict what kind of entries you'd find....

tHis morning, this article caught my eye...
rEading it i can't help but having to think how radiculous that situation is.

fIrst off, i am totally against the idea of violence in a marriage. tHat is something not to be tolerated. bUt to totally cross out any sexual activities in a marriage!? sEriously, how absurb can people possibly get!?

tHough i must make one point clear. i Don't think SEX is everything in a relationship/marriage. iF that were so, humans might already be breeding like rabbits, and having nothing different from a comman stray dog.

bUt you've got to admit. SEX may not be everything, but it is still as important in maintaining a good relationship as communication is. mArriage eventually leads to children. aNd in case you're from another planet, SEX is required to make children. wEll, naturally that is.

oTher than making children, i've always seen SEX essential to bringing two people closer to each other. iN a way, it helps a couple understand each other more, well, in a more physically way. a Healthy and satisfying sex life actually brings couples closer to each other.

tHere are so many ways of looking as sex in our human culture: some view it as pure pleasure; some as a merging of two souls; some as pure means reproduction..... pErsonally i see it as a sacred ritual only married couples are elledged to participate in.

oLd-fashioned? yEah! bUt i don't see anything wrong with it.

iSn't marriage suppose to mean two people love each other so deeply that they decide to devote the rest of their lives to each other!? aNd when you love the person so much, how could it be that you distest any act of intimacy with him/her!? sOmething is absolutely wrong here.

mAybe there really IS a problem with you after all. eVer thought about it without arrogance?

wHat is this world coming to?? wHere husbands can be convicted under the crime of RAPE in a marriage...... hOpe for humans is sliding away.....

Friday, November 17, 2006

17 November sIdeTracked~!

Daily Mockery

i Was so anxious about writing today's daily mockery, and was sure about whan i was going to write....

rIght until i actually got to the update page that is......


hAchi to kUroba tSu no rEview

eErr....wEll, it's not really a review.....just some thoughts i have after watching the series.

WARNING: tHere are Spoilers in here, so those who's following the first season on Animax, Run! Hide! Cover your eyes!


Honey and Clover II picks up where the first series left off. yEs, after Takemoto confessed to Hagumi(Hagu) at the festival. tHis was the main reason i went to download this season. i Was dying to know what would happen between Takemoto and Hagu

uNfortunate for Takemoto, all Hagu said after hearing Takemoto's confession was,


aFter that everyone just went on with their everyday lives. Takemoto was busy with his final thesis, which wasn't able to finish before. aS usual Morita was showing is affection towards Hagu, with Hagu trying trying her best to escape. a Scene had Takemoto body-slam Morita to save Hagu.

hOwever, as the series progressed, came a scene where Morita gives Hagu his scarf, kissed her, freak-out about it and turn her into...


tOwards the end, it was clear that Hagu had feelings for Morita. bUt what most fans might not have anticipated, was that there was another person in the picture....

Shuji Hanamoto.....
dEspite his close relationship with Rika, he was actually had feelings for Hagu. Hagu is very close to Shuji. aPparently, Shuji had been taking care of Hagu since she was very young.

tHen came the fateful day. a Storm was brewing up. sTrong gusts of wind were blowing while preparations for the College Art Festival were being made. wHile looking out of the window at Shuji's office, Yamada commented,

"It feesl like something bad is going to happen..."

iNcidentially, Hagu was passing by some students moving a few big glass frames when a strong gust caused one of the glass to topple over, hit the stone railing and break right above Hagu..... sHe was badly injurred in the inccident. wHat troubled her most was her right hand was so badly wounded that the doctors had to operate and stitch her veins back together.

tHe fear of not being able to draw agian would have overwhelmed her if it wasn't for Shuji, who had given-up his job at the College to take care of her......

Shuji never told Hagu that he had feelings for her, as he wanted her to choose for herself. tHen came a moment when Hagu asked him to give his life to her.

aT this point Takemoto and Morita had given way to Shuji. Morita even gave him a whole box of CASH for Hagu's treatment. Shuji only took 2 stacks and threw the rest back though..... aFter graduation, Morita went off to work with Peter Lucas. Takemoto decided to go into reviving old buildings with the group he met in his "journey to find himself".

Hagu and Takemoto stayed close friends, and she went to send him off with a package. wHen Takemoto opened the package on the train, he round a stack of bread.....with Honey spread, and on every piece, a four-leaf-clover.

cRedit began to roll as a weeping Takemoto gobbled down the Honey and Clover bread, uttering

"Hagu, i'm so glad i fell in love with you..."

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

15 November is oUt of the qUestion!

Daily Mockery

hAd dreams about my car running out of petrol....
eVen when the metre showed it still had half a tank of it left....

mUst have been all topic of fuel that i've been hearing lately......

NOTE:Long Post aHead!

wHat hAve i bEen wAtching......

i'Ve never followed the 'drama trend' around me. bAck in high school, while everyone was watching Cantonese Drama, i preferred to watch the National Geographic. wHen Japanese drama came into the spotlight, i read manga. aNd when Korean drama began it's reign, i watched Japanese Anime and some Japanese soap....

wEll, i guess i've always been behind time when it came to trends. iT's not something i'm ashamed of though. eVen when it came to how i dress, i've never really changed my style to fit-in. wHat i believed (and still do) was 'Comfort if everything'. tHe only thing that i found worthy of, were baggy jeans. oUt of style? mEybe, but nothing beats a pair of baggy jeans. tHe space, the comfort. yOu can never go wrong with them when you skate.

rEcently, i've become more and more of a half-Otaku. i Wouldn't say i'm a 100%, as being an Otaku means you have in-dept knowledge of whatever you are interested in. iN-dept, as in knowledge up to the very core, even to the biography of it's creator. tO an outsider, it may very well seem like a waste of time to know these things, but trust me, it really isn't easy to know so much about certain things. i, for one, admire this kind of commitment.

a Half-Otaku is all i am. i'M interested in video games, Anime, Manga and a bit of Model-kits. i Get a lot of inspiration from them. i'Ve always wanted to draw like the artists whose manga i read. sAdly, i've been drawing for more than 10years, yet i still suck at it......T_T
i Really admire those who have the skills to draw life-like manga......such Envy.....


tHis is Honey and Clover. tHe Anime that i'm following now. nOw i don't usually like slow-paced, real-life, present-time Anime but i'm hooked on this series. sOmething about the excessive comical moments and in-dept charater background that atracted me. iT's a series about people from an art institute in Japan, their life, their relationship with each other, their problems, their fears, their desires, their past, their present, their hopes, their dreams....

i Guess one of the reasons i'm so hooked is because i wanted to go to an Art Institute after graduating high school. aNd this is as close as it gets for me to knowing how life could've been. lAme, i know.


i'M still playing this game. aNother sign of me being behind time. i'Ve liked playing the Tales series ever since Tales of Eternia. Tales of the Abyss eventually caught my eye, not only because is was in 3D and ont he PS2, as tales of Symphonia, which i didn't play, was the first 3D Tales i could remember, bUt because the artist, who also is the artist of

i Am a faithful fan of Kosuke Fujishima's work. Ah! My Goddess is one of the titles i'm collecting. sAdly, i've missed out several volumes and would Kill to get them! hIs designs and Vision is simply amazing. wHich explains the outstanding designs on weapons and costumes in Tales of the Abyss. hE also designed the charaters for Tales of Phantasia, the first Tales game, and several others in the Tales series.

hE is who i hope to draw like one day.

lOts more to wRite but i don't think i want to bore you guys with it now....

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Daily Mockery

iT takes more muscles to frown than to smile......
wOuldn't it be more relaxing if you just keep an expression-less face?


sTrangely fEd-up!

iT's fascinating how people can get paranoid over anything.

sOme think that the whole world is out to get them....
sOme think aliens are out to get them....
sOme think the sky is falling...... (could happen..... if a satelite falls from spce.....)
sOme think everyone around is undressing them with their eyes.....
sOme think their partners are cheating on them.....

oUt of the ones i've encountered, this is the only one i find it hard to accept.
i'M talking about the ones that think that the more a certain person loves them, the more they will owe the person......

fIrst off, love isn't a favour. yOu don't ask people to love you more as a favour. yOu don't go up to someone ad say,
"dUde! dO me a favour will ya'? LOVE ME!"
aNd you return the favour because you'll feel guilty about it if you don't.

iT's suppose to be mutual. tRanlated it means:

gIven freely,
gIven willingly,
gIven by both sides.

iF it is given otherwise, it's not love...

wHen people gives you something to show their affection towards you, it's because they wants to do it. aNd not because they want you to do something in return for it. wHy do you need worry about how you should 'pay' them back for it?

tHey're not doing you a favour,
tHey just want you to be happy,
tHey just want to tell you they love you,
hOping you'd feel loved...

yOu're thinking too much... with you brain that is....
mAybe it's time you learn to really listen to your heart more.

lOve is a commitment. tHis also means you need to put time and effort into it nuturing it. iN a way, it's like a baby, whilst time and effor are the parents. wIthout the parents to take care of it, it will certainly die.

iNstead of coming up with ridiculous like
"i Enjoy a single life more" or " yOu are making feel like i owe you too much"
wHy don't you spend more on getting to know each other better. fInding excuses because you're too lazy to put in any effort isn't going to help kinder the relationship.

iF you can't do it, then it's obvious that you're not ready to be in a relationship because you can only see yourself in the world. wHether you know about it or whether you like it or not, that's the truth.

Friday, August 25, 2006

25 August tAukeh!! sEng kAm zUi mAi sEng!

Daily Mockery

wAs reading one of the chinese papers when i came the entertainment section.

dIdn't even find much interest in it until one of the students here pointed at something in the article and asked me what it meant (obviously, he didn't know madarin).

i Couldn't stop laughing after reading it....

hEre's the chinese translation given the the famous rapper Snoop Doggy Dogg

史奴比狗狗... (pronounced as se-noo-pee kou-kou)...


iSn't that suppose to be translated into Snoopy.... the one from the comic strip Peanut!?


hEalers or mUrderers.....yOu cHoose!

iT's alarming how some physicians think these days.

fIrst off, i must clarify that i'm not pointing any fingers at anyone in particular. tHis is just a general point of view about how the world is......

hAve you ever really noticed what kind of a world we live in these days?

a World where sex shouldn't be limitted to married partners....
a World where most movies have a scene of male and female lead actors having sex...
a World where the most unthinkable sexual crimes are committed....

iT's true, sex is taken very lightly these days. tO many, it's become more of a social gesture, rather then a sacred ritual. pEople who still cherish the belief of only sharing the spiritual connection with one are labelled as old-fashioned and out-of-date.

aNd what comes after sex?

"Nonsence! wE have Condoms!"

iN case you're stupid or just too ignorant to find out, condoms aren't full-proof!

sO what happens if, unfortunely, you 'accidentally' got (or got someone) pregnant?

"Haiyoh! Liddat also dunno meh! Get an abortion loh!"

yEs that is what people do. tHey call it a price for pleasure.
iS pleasure really so important?
tHat you have to sacrifice a human life in order to satisfy it??

fOr you who never thought much about it, a fetus is also a living being with a soul. aN abortion means killing off the fetus and that, in turn, means Murderring a person. bUt not just any other person, it's your own flesh and blood!!

aNd to think that physicians, the people we trust to save lives, are okay with this.

tHe baby is innocent! tHe one at fault is not him/her!
eVen if you are a victim in all this, the fault is not at the child... eVery sould deserves a right to live! aNd no child is an accident! NEVER!

eVen if you can't find it in you to bring up the child, you have the choice to put him/her up for adoption! aT least it's a better choice than spilling the blood of your own child one you hands!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

8 aUgust aNd aN eArly eNtry

Daily Mockery

mAny times i would hold up my cell-phone and look at the screen with the initial thought of finding out the current time.....only to clip it back into my pocket....still clueless about what time it was......

iT frightens me sometimes......who knows one day i'd be sitting in on the toilet seat, with my pants down, forgetting what i am suppose to do in the situation......

(___ ______)""" -i think too much.......


aNd tHey cAll tHis lEgal!?

tHis is a rather late posting about an incident in the news from a while ago.....
iNitially, i heard it over the radio......and at that very heart sank.....

hOw could someone do something so cruel and ruthless.....
aNd to think, THAT particular someone is a group of people, who are suppose to be leaders of the country.....

tHink most of us would have heard about the new. wEll, unless you're a hermit living under a rock.....

sEveral weeks ago, there was an incident in Seremban, involving the, so-called, authorities breaking into the house of a family and shooting 13 of their dogs at the spot.

13!!!! 13 poor, defenceless dogs!!!!

tHis particular brother and sister had 25~26 (some papers said 25, some said 26) living with them. iT's very obvious they ARE dog-lovers. tHey were like children to them, and considering the fact that the duo weren't married, that meant the world to them.

aPparently, the, so-called, authorities had received various 'complaints' (supposedly, out of nowhere, considering the fact that the naightbours all said they've gotten used to the dogs and never made any complaints) about the dogs being a nuisance to the whole community, and decided to take action.

sO, happily they rallied a team, packed they favourite hunting guns and went dog-hunting!


nEedless to say there was blood everywhere (Faints...). aNd that's not the worse thing! tHese were living, breathing animals we are talking about here. wHat's more? tHese are cute, cuddly DOGS! cOmpanions of many lonely people and comforter of many terminally-ill patients!

aNd they just shot them! jUst like that!

wHen confront with the question of "Was is really necessary to shoot them?" . tHese, so-called, authorities replied that they were being attacked, so they hadn't any choice!

lEt's analyze the facts here, shall we?......
you broke into the house-> and the dogs guard the house-> dogs think you are a bunch of terrorist storming the territory to harm their master-> dog attacks you!

lIke Du'UH!!!!!!

iT's a UNIVERSAL FACT that dogs guard houses and their FAMILY!!!!!!

tHese people had gone WAY TOO FAR this time!
aNother thing is, what if one stray bullet accidentally hit a child in nearby?? wOuld they also say that the child tried to bite their head off as well!?

kNow what, many actually wonder if these, so-called, authorities would have done such a RAMBO-ic act if Cats were involved......
i Despise cats, and i don't even think they deserve to die like this........

tHis is clearly an ABUSE OF AUTHORITY!!!

for the news article, here's a link

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

5 April 2006 Say it to me Baby! Aha! Aha!

Daily Mockery

"tHe pen is mightier than the sword!"

"wHat if it's up against a knife?"



tHe Object of Love... tHe object of Lust...

sEx is such a common subject these days. aLmost everywhere you hear something about it. eSpecially in Black Homey Dawg hip-hop rape songs. aNd as if that's not bad enough, everytime you tune over to, you hear them.

aRousing? mAybe. bUt i guess it's been burnt into my existance that sex shouldn't be such an open topic.

oR is it?

fRankly, i don't mind discussing abour sex. i don't even think it's wrong to put it into some Black Homey Dawggy-Dawg hip-hop. tHough i can't help be notice something out of all might have noticed it too.

wHy is it, when it comes to women, the main thing that comes to mind is Sex, sex and more sex?

iN a society where sex is becoming more and and more often, women seem to have become sex objects rather than receiving the actual respect they've fought so much for.

wHere is the love?
hAs everything just fallen to the level of My Humps!

iT's the picture painted by the Media!
iS it really it?! i Frankly don't think so. lUst has be around since the begining of time, it's a basic instinct that pushes us to quench that thirst. wHether we like it or not, it's been engraved into the very blueprint of our existance. iN other words, the media only plays a small part of reminding us of one line of coding wrintten into the program of human existance. wHich means, lUst is who we are.

fOrgive me for being conservative, but isn't sex suppose to be sacred?
yEt nowadays, it seems the only reason a guy wants to get with a gal is just to get into her pants and screw her silly.

i grew up watching movies from the States and from what i've noticed, sex is part of their culture. jUst like a hand-shake. tHe influence is great, as nowadays, many Asian countries have adopted this 'culture' in their lives.

sO Men are all perverts.
tHat's a universal truth.

bUt that goes for women as well. wOmen are as pervertic as men are. jUst that men had always played the part of being the initiator in a sexual relationship. tHat's all in the pass. wOmen, whom had been passive, are not become more and more open-minded about sex. sOme even seduce men into having casual sex with them. aS a result, sex is become more and more of a hand-shake these days. a Trend?? errr.....hmm........

wE may not know it......but it's happening all around us.......and much serious than we expected.....

iS this the price to pay to be Open-minded???

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Daily Mockery

How do you not show that you don't know something when you are explaining it to someone?

You push it to another fellow, saying he/she is, actually, the person in-charge of it......


One Straight Line

Living out life day by day

With nothing more than common

Peace and harmony I’ve always prayed

Indeed the Lord is listening

One straight line

One straight time

Everything’s the same each day

I think about how things of may

Often ponder about my actions

What I do


What I say

All I did each passing day

Is this how I shall exist

Till in my grave I stay

Often times I think astray

Seldom do I stop to pray

Is this why life’s so common?

Is this my price to pay?

Despise it not is simple life

Nor do I yearn for worse times

Though I ask myself each time I wake

Is this really my true fate?

One straight line

One straight time

I feel fucked when I think of things this way…

I know there’s still something more

Often times my mind will wander

To another time

A time of past

Was any better than it now?

Or do I just miss it too much?

One straight line

One straight time

A time of peace

A time so common

Day by day

Each day alike

When life has become redundant ……

One straight line

One straight time

Till the end?

Till I die?

Wake me from this nightmare…

I pray….

I pray……….

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Daily Mockery

"so don't do drugs. Do something healthy instead. Like watch the Simpsons, or Jessica Alba."

errr.....i see more and more kids telling their teachers to eat their shorts while more and more dads stranggling their children.....if they're lucky enough to even have children after "watching" too much Jessica Alba.......


The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.....

oK, so the title has nothing to do with what i'm going to write about today. So sue me....

wE all know which over-commercialized holy-day falls on the month of Febrary. yEs, Valentine's day. a day where all, well most lovers go crazy and turn their brains upside down to think of an idea on how to please their loved ones.

jUst for the record, Valetine's day is the Feast day of St. Valentine. wHo, supposedly, is the patron saint of love.

tWas a time not so long ago, something rather interesting happened on this particular date.....

tHis guy from INTI College just found out that the gal that he had feelings for was down with a cold.

sO the next day, the guy handed the gal box...


tHe gal, whom also had feelings for the guy, happily accepted this gift....


sUch gesture was almost every where on this day.....
bUt there was something different about this gift from the guy.....

iT was....

a box of herbal tea bags..................

tHough we were not together just yet....that was how we spent our first Valentine's day...
my Rita and i......

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

That, which is written down.
Will become the evidence of one's conviction......

Twisted up.....

"mY mind is always filled with twisted ideas that i long to act out......
Sanity is what's holding be me back.......Consceince is what keeps me sane......"

wHat a strange thing to say when i'm at the office......

wHat triggerred such thought is the emptiness that i go through every begins at 7:45am and, with luck, it ends at 5:00pm.......

hOw much F*cked-up can it get.........though i hear a small voice screaming at the back of my mind.....

"F*cked-up!? yOu haven't even begun to see what f*cked-up really means!"

Hence, i shut out the voice and continue my pondering......

sOmeone once told my fortune.......her exact words were...

"You tend to think too much...."

rIght.....interesting concept.......for all i know, i don't think enough.......
sHe has a point......

oFten i find myself thinking up the most ridiculous thoughts...... aNd getting drowned in them......

yEt i ever so often, i do it, as it to torture myself.....
mAybe it's the only way i could escape this so-called "reality" i now live in....

bEen having dreams of people whom i've met earlier in my life. oNe dream in particular came as somewhat of a surprise.....i never though i'd dream about her anymore....but i know some parts of me longed to hear her voice and see her smile again.

iF only the dream was reality. bUt who knows if it isn't.......

sUch an ending to a never endED story. wOuld have been better if it actually happened in this "reality".

oNe of those dreams you've had right up till the end.
oNe of those dreams that you are sure of what's happening.
oNe of those dreams that you know everyone in it, and how they are realated.
oNe of those dreams, which will have your mind all twisted-up when you finally wake up....

yOu find your emotions all mixed-up while you dip in you own sweat....

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Daily Mockery

"i eat babies for breakfast!!!", said John while his 2 year old daughter climbs over his shoulders and sits there, turning his head into drum....


How do you know when you've found the One?

1. When you wake up in the morning and the first thing you think about is her.
2. When you miss her everyday even when you know that she's only going to be away for a few days.
3. When you plan about marriage even when it seems a long time away.
4. When your parents treats her better than they treat you.
5. When you can see yourself sitting with her in a Rocking-chair/Wheel-chair/swing, and having a good conversation while you count each other's wrinkles.
6. When you want all you kids to look like her.
7. When your friends get along better with her than they do you.
8. When she remembers the simple things that you tend to forget.
9. When you know that you should treat her better even when whe tells you that you've treated her great.
10. When you feel you've got nothing when she's not around.
11. When you rush each day through just so that you could be back in her arms at every day's end.
12. When you everyone around you tells you that you two look like twins.
13. When you tell everyone the year you will get married even though it's still a few years away.
14. When you've already set the budget required to see the whole wedding through.
15. When you've decided where to go for your Honeymoon.
16. When you've already planned out how many children you want to have and why.
17. When you've already decided the names of all your children.
18. When her sister treats you like her own brother.
19. When your parents ask her to bring a bunch of things back home during Chinese New Year and she brings another bunch of gifts back when she returns.

And Finally....

20. When you find time in your office to write an article on your blog about "How you know When you've found the one".