Monday, December 31, 2007

31 dEcember lAst dAy of 2007!!!

dAily mOckery

i'Ve been on leave at home since Christmas Eve.
nOt one day have i not though about updating my blog.

nOt one day have i actually got around to update it........


tEh-C-pEng pAnas!?

iN case you didn't know, the 'Peng' in Teh-C-Peng means ICE. Peng is actually ICE in Hokkien.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

13 dEcember 2007 wEnt PAM~!!!

oCcassional oCcassions

Congratulations to our DR Papa and Mami!!!!!!
wAy to go Papa-9ting! yOu did it~!!!
bEst wishes Mami-carina~!!


sUicide bOmbers........

結果沒炸到目標..... 此乃Bomberman - 笨蛋二人組......
(wE didn't hit the target...... pResenting the Bomberman - Duo de la Dufus.....)

Monday, December 03, 2007

03 dEcember 2007 tHe eNd iS nEar......tHe yeaR lAh.....

dAily mOckery

fInally, 2 postings later, i remember the topic i wanted to blog about........


hA mIk gUa? hA mIk gUa~!!


tHe conversation between Mom and i:
mE : Ma, what is this melon named?
(我 :咪,這是什麽瓜?)
Mom: iT a Honeydew
(媽 :叫哈蜜瓜。)
tHen keep repeating......

tHe reason this happened is because in Hokkein, 'Ha Mik' means 'what'. aNd it so happens 'Honeydew' is pronounced 'Ha Mik Gua' as well. tHe rest is history......

Friday, November 30, 2007

30 nOvember wIth hAir~!

dAily mOckery

tOo bad Claire won't get Adam's powers if she cuts off his head, like a highlander does ... X3


mY bAck sOftly oN yOur hAir.....

(aCtually. what piggy meant was: my hair softly on your back. bUt her old habit just kicked-in again......)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

27 aNd mY dIgi eXpired.......

dAily mOckery

i'Ve been cracking my head so hard, trying to remember the initial topic i had planned, that i actually forgot to update.......



tHe 2 games in question here are:-
- Rockman X: Maverick Hunter for the PSP
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2

ファイラ - is Japanese for a Flame magic in the Final Fantasy series. pRonounced: F-a-i-ra.

Friday, November 09, 2007

09 nOvember dA rI rI rAm dA rI rAm~

dAily mOckery

wHen you tell the truth...
yOu are doubted.....

wHen you tell a lie....
tHey believe.......


bLurred! ePisode - 2!

(uNfortunate for Piggy, there were a few night shift staffs who were still lingering just outside the gate that morning and saw her absent minded actions and broke into a storm of laughter......)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

08 nOvember rAff! rAff! rAff!

dAily mOckery

i'Ve finally given into my curiosity.............

i've joined Facebook...................


Kiap Tu Tao! 挾。豬。頭!

(i Couldn't stop laughing all the way home that day......)

Friday, October 26, 2007

26 oCtober ALUMOR AMOUR!!!

dAily mOckery

oCcassional rEview~!

iF you own a PSP, and are looking for something that provides great protection to the console, and fits perfectly. tHen this is what you're looking for!
tHis, is the Capdase Alumor Metal Casing for the PSP. iT comes with a silicon cover, an unbreakable screen protector and, get this, an ALLOY amour to ensure perfect protection!

aNd if that's not enough, it comes in several colours! i Personally own a black one.

aCcording to them, they should release the PSP Slim version by the end of the year.


PSP 兇案! wHen PSP(s) aTtacks!

(NOTE : tHis was an actual incident....)

Monday, October 22, 2007

22 oCtober sOmeONE wEnt aNd cHanged hIs nAme~!

dAily mOckery


(^ = A=^)""


tAles of nEw hAir.........


那同事的位子正背向門。所以每次豬豬出現在門口時,電腦熒幕就會反照出她的影子..... 杯弓蛇影啊......
(tHat colleague has her back towards the door. tHat's why when Piggy appears at the door, her reflection will appear of the monitor...... tAlk about Optical Illusions.....)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

17 oCtober 1337

dAily mOckery

rEading my journal always makes me h the sudden urge to Smack my younger self.........



(tHis is why we should always pay attention while playing......)

Friday, October 12, 2007

12 oCtober hOw cOme tHey gEt a dAy oFf!?

dAily mOckery

sEasonal wIshes~

tO aLl my Islam homies out there~!

SELAMAT HARI RAYA~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!


fOrmula fOr lIfe

fOr those who don't know, i work at a college and intake season just passed. tHis is usually one of the most stressful time of the year, so i get a bit of insomnia this time around. tHus playing the PSP relaxes me, though it's not until the wee hours of morning that i finally doze off......tHus, enters insufficient sleep. lUcky for me, intake season ends today and Raya holidays begin tomorrow~! tIme to do some catching-up!!!

i'Ll still be going visiting though~!

Friday, October 05, 2007

05 oCt lIzards

dAily mOckery

i Know it's all fake and all.....

aNd the acting and the effects aren't all so great either.....

bUt Pet Cemetery is still some scary shit......


sCared hAlf tO dEath.....


tHere's a restaurant on the same floor as my office. tHeir waiter uniform is dark coloured. aNd i think this happened, only because i had bad experiences with dogs when i was a kid.

i Still love dogs though.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

29 sEpt tAbleTing aT wOrk~~~

dAily mOckery

i Swapped my duties with a colleague so that i won't have to work next Saturday.....

bUt then, due to intake season, i will be on duty again next Sunday.......

tHere goes my weekend.............


sCary tOilets......


(hUmans today still don't know how to use one of most basic inventions yet........sad......)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

26 sEpt eBook eBook eBook~~~~~

dAily mOckery

nOthing beats the fresh feeling of waking up in the morning....
oNly to realize....
yOu have to go to work........



mE & a bLackcaT e-Book~~

tHanks to Nicholas, my blog has been made into an e-Book and is now free for download




Wednesday, September 19, 2007

19 sEpt sIck aS a dOg......

dAily mOckery

rEpeat after me:

i Am not a Elvan Cleric....
i Am not a Elvan Cleric....
i Am not a Elvan Cleric....
i Am not a Elvan Cleric....


iMmunity mY aRse.....


Friday, September 14, 2007

14 sEpt sE tOh bEi lEi bEi lEi

dAily mOckery

tHe worse thing that could ever happen to you.....
iS waking up one morning to realize that you are the same as everybody else.....


sTrawberry sYndrome


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

12 sEpt uNder mY eh....

dAily mOckery

i Mock myself.....

80Frames.....aNd only less than 1min of animation........





(i Think i've had too much of Rounin Kenshin.......)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

11 sEptember jAy jAy jAy jAy........

dAily mOckery

aLl animals are equal.....
bUt some animals are more equal than equal.....

tHis is what happens when pigs rule the farm....

dOn't know what i mean?
gO read animal farm......


mInd f--Cked? Jay Chow~!

dOn't get me wrong, i like Jay's songs. tHat's actually the main reason i got Mind-f--cked by him in the first place, cause i listen to his songs over and over again till they're stuck in my head.....

bUt i guess you could say the guy writes songs which really relate to us on a personal level, very down to earth, very human. i Can still sing 安靜 (silence) by-heart. tHe song accompanied me through my hardest time a few years back. nOw, it's a song i can really sing well if asked to sing karaoke.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

06 sEptember mInus oNe tEnor......

Luciano Pavarotti


fOr those who don't know who this is, or are too young to remember who this is, meet Pavarotti, one of the greatest ( pun intended) man/singer that had ever lived.

hE was known not only for his 'presence', but even more for his voice.

a name that had followed me all through the years,
a name that had made it's way into jokes and admiration in my life,
a voice any man, who had sung the tenor part would kill for,
aN inspiration, a target, a standard.

hE's been called.....
hE was 71....
tHus another voice is silenced.....

yOur spirit lives on in your legacy....
yOu will always remain in my memory....

mAy you rest in peace.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

5 sEptember oNe mOnth lAte

dAily mOckery

iT's been a month now since my trip.

aNd i still haven't finished my records for the trip yet.......

oNe whole month........


mAlacca + aLi sHan = iDiots iN tHe sTreet........



起初我和豬豬本來只是想讓肉丸看看而已。 誰知道,他一看,不由自主地也跟著我們跳了起來。結果,就這樣,三個笨蛋在馬六甲的大街上,在大白天跳起阿里山-山地舞......
(aT first Piggy and i only wanted to show Bakyi. wHo would've though when he turned and saw, he unconsciously got influenced and started dancing too. tHus, 3 idiots were dancing the the Alishan folk dance in the middle of street, in broad daylight, in Malacca......)

(iT was not until a few dance moves later that Bakyi finally realised what he was doing.....)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

29 aUgust sUmmer's aLmost oVer....

dAily mOckery

i Haven't been able to update much lately.....
nO it's not because i'm lazy

iT's cause i was really caught-up with work.....

lIke anyone's going to believe that.....

bUt it's the truth........


jOurney tO tHe wEst: pArt dEux~!



bTw, the Pi-Pa is a Chinese musical instrument.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

22 aUgustus cEaser!

dAily mOckery

i'Ve been urging myself to post about my trip since i got back.....
i'Ve even bought a notebook (inSingapore X3) to record the funny things that happened throughout the trip......

bUt it wasn't until a week later that i finally pushed myself off my lazy arse to actually do it......


jOurney tO tHe wEst - pArt oNe~~!!


Johore 機場那一幕讓本來吸氣準備衝刺的‘石角肉丸’大噴口水.....結果笑得無法衝刺......趕不上巴士,我們卻因爲這件事(我的舉動)而在大街上大笑起來。 我看旁人一定把我們當成一群瘋子......
(tHe scene at Johore air-port made Batu Kawa Bakyi, who had just gotten ready to dash, lose his concerntration....though we didn't manage to get on the bus, we started laughing about it (my actions) in the middle of the street. bEt the people watching were ready to call the looney bin on us.......)

在新加坡,我們走了來半天,還是不見旅館的行蹤..... 問路人,卻多數需不太清楚是哪一間...... 不過,我倒發現,那裏的人都很友. 有的甚至還會自動上前來幫忙指路呢! 對這些人,我在這裡向你們說聲:謝謝!!
(aT Singapore, we walked for miles, but the hotel was no where to be found..... mOst of the locals there haven't even heard of of before.... tHough, i've noticed that people there are very friendly and helpful. sOme of them even came up to give us directions voluntarily! tO these people, i would like to say a big: THANK YOU!!!!)

Monday, August 06, 2007

06 aUgust TOMORROW's IT!!!!!!

dAily mOckery

aM still worried about how everything's going turn-out for this trip.

bUt then again......
i Really should relax and enjoy it.......


wIth mY kNapsack oN mY bAck~~~


i Know, i know, it's only West Malaysia. nOthing to be worked-up about. bUt it's the first time we decided to try a back-packing trip! bAck packing meaning we will be trying to have fun, go to as many places, with as little expenses as possible. hEnce, enters the excitement again!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Find out your Harry Potter personality at LiquidGeneration!

wEll, his birthday (31 July) IS only 2 days away from mine after all~~

2 aUgust OMG iT's nExt wEek~!!!

dAily mOckery

tHe innocent ones are always the first to suffer......


bLurry....tHerefore i aM......


tHere's even once that i suddenly asked myself that question......after i've unzipped my pants standing in-front of a urinal...........

Friday, July 27, 2007

27 jUly cOme cOme gIant tRial!

dAily mOckery

dId you know?
tHat the Malaysian Anthem's tune came from a Hawaiian Song?
Mamula Moon - Felix Mendelssohn

iNteresting isn't it.......
iF you could do this, why stop others from doing it?



(tHey say:)

"Never judge a book by its cover"

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

24 jUly 芳姐 HAPPIE BIRTHDAY!!!!!

dAily mOckery

iT's ironic with you love it when it rains.....
yEt you can't stand how cold it gets in your office during a rainy day.....




因爲空調是由在這座建築物底層控制室超卓。 租客必須通過工作人員來調整空調.....不幸的是,我們辦公室的溫度調整器竟然都坏掉了......
(yOu may ask why don't we just tune it down a little?
wEll, it's because all air-conditioning in the building is controlled by the control-room on the ground floor. Tenants can only make adjustments through the building staffs....uNfortunately, the Termal-controllers here at my office are all busted......
tHerefore.....there nothing much we could do.....)

Friday, July 20, 2007

20 jUly hOw mAny pEople wEre bOrn tOday?

dAily mOckery

wIth all the WTF-s and Toot-s i used, it's interesting that my blog was actually rated as:

Online Dating




dRive fAster lah~~~

其實我看過這輛kancil. 之前他也是駕得很吊。 看到這情景之後,我心中‘活該’不知說了幾百次!
(i'Ve seen that Kancil before and that time he was driving like an arse already. wHen i saw what happened this morning, i must've thought 'serves you right!' a few hundred times!.)

實在啊! 這個交通圈,很常發生這類事情。 我也有經驗的啦~
(aCtually, it's not the first time something like this has happened at this round-about. i'Ve had my Share of experience as well~)
(aFter that, i seem to always remember to slow down there.)

Friday, July 13, 2007

13 jUly yEt aNother dArk fRiday~~

dAily mOckery

tHe fUnny thing is that i still work so hard to even though i know not many read this blog.......

bUt you who read.
aRe the reason i carry-on.


wHo's tHe cLown hEre!?

(iNdeed! VIBRATE! cOuse he was trembling too fast to just be trembling alrady!!)

當時好像是超市開張,所以人潮很多。 我們是早上飛往詩巫,傍晚飛囘古晉。記得我們竟被超市的報導員介紹成外國來的小丑......
(i Think it was an opening event at that super market. wE flew to Sibu in the morning and back to Kuching in the evening. tHe D.J. at the supermarket actually introduced us to be from a foreign country.....)

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

11 jUly iNa sUmma~

dAily mOckery

"There should be no discrimination amongst ranks~!", said the President to his guests as he smacks his black maid around for spilling the coffee........


4D aLso nOt sO cHun aH~!!!!


tHe guy at the shop told me that if the price for repairs is above RM150, then he won't do the repairs course he thinks it's not worth it.... sO he charged me RM135 for the repairs.......
i'Ll need to send the monitor back to the shop again tonight......

Monday, July 09, 2007

9 jUly -eNgage eNemy-

Daily Mockery

dId anyone noticed that Bumblebee parked himself beside a dusty-old-yellow Vox Wagen in the Transformers movie?

iT kinda makes it look like they're trying to imply something there......


tRansformers: oPtical iLlussion~~!

dOn't laugh!
yOu've also done it before~!!!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

7 jUly 2007 = 07.07.07 = jAckPot~

Daily Mockery

mY Bro commented that if Hot Rod were to be put into the Transformers sequel, he'd most probably be a Chevy Corvette........

oH gOsh.......pOor Hot Rod.........such a down-grade.......


Nissan Sunny! Transform~!!!!


yEs i'm still suffering from Post-Transformers Syndrome...........
aNd loving every minute of it....

Thursday, July 05, 2007

5 jUly, tHe dAy aFter Transformers....

Daily Mockery

yOu know what they say,
gOod CG and great sPecial eFfects usually mean.....
a Sucky script........

aNd they were rIght!
f-TOOOOT-! yOu Michael Bay! yOu s-TOOOOT-!
yOur name really should be read in HOKKIEN with your 'ch' pronounced as in 'Chair'!!


pOst-tRansformers sYndrome....


i Still despise Michael Bay for changing the story so much. bUt the new designs for the Transformers are growing own me......

High-Lights of the movie for me:-
- wHen Optimus Prime Spoke and i we hear the familiar voice of Peter Cullen. (goosbumps~~~~)
- wHen Megatron said,"You've failed me once again, StarScream!" (>w< fAmous Line~)
- wHen all the Autobots were hiding from Sam's parents. (hillarious!!!)

- StarScream did not sound like StarScream at all.......his voice should be annoying...
- tHe way Megatron died was...too....err........easy.........
- nEarly all the Decepticons were dead towards the end......

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

4 jUly aMerican iDependance dAy~

Daily Mockery

pOlitics and cOnspiracy are like bread and butter.....
tHey will only taste better together......




Wednesday, June 27, 2007

27 jUne't t....t.....tYpe......

Daily Mockery

sO far i've i head 3 versions of Avril's new song "Girlfriend"
tHere's there original English one......

aNd then there's the Mandarin one and the Japanese one......
i Can't help noticing the Mandarin/Japanese parts of the song sounded like they were cut and pasted into the song...........




(aCtually, i think this happened more than once.....)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

21 jUne oPtimus!!! nO~~~!!!!!!

Daily Mockery

fIrst they put up glass panels and call it our office.....
tHen the air-conditioning temperature is lowerred......

nOw it really feels like the Polar Bear Exhibition room........


Optimus!? STD!?!

備註 (footnote):
>Convoy 就是 Optimus Prime (Convoy Is Optimus)

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

19 jUne wAsh wAsh WASH THE......

Daily Mockery

wHen the said sent their messenger out along with a note 'Do not shoot the messenger', tHey got his head back with a note 'He wasn't shot, he was slashed up instead'.......


iT's cAlling mE......mY pRecious.........


精靈武器系統是只有付費玩家才能享受的其中一個項目。 最近都因爲沒什麽多餘的錢,所以都沒有買瑪奇地夢想生活配套。 於是,亞斯藍大劍就被擺到一邊去集灰塵...... 這次,我打算在精靈實體化實行后從新讓亞斯藍出來透透風! 我實在很想看到他實體化那帥氣的模樣!!
(tHe weapon ego system is only something paying players can enjoy. lAtely i haven't any extra money thus didn't any of their paying kits. hEnce, my claymore of Azlan has been set aside, collecting dust in my inventory..... tHis time around, in the light of the weapon ego summoning skill, i plan to let Azlan out for some fresh air! i really want to see how cool he looks being summoned!)

Monday, June 18, 2007

18 jUne wAlking bAckwards??

Daily Mockery

wAlking backwards in life will only result in falling into the same holes you fell into before, hence getting injured in the same places as before.

tHe moral of it?
wAlk fOrward!


aNd tHen tHere wEre 3......


小小很喜歡把另一只我們叫‘呣呣’(因爲它實在長得很像牛!) 的小狗當作枕頭睡。 自從他被人家抱走之後,小小好像覺得少了什麽般......
(Small^2 loves to use another puppy we named "MooMoo" (because it really looked like a COW!) as a pillow. sInce they took him away, Small^2 has been feeling like she's missing something......)

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

13 jUne aNd i'Ve rEally gOtta pEe~~

Daily Mockery

wHen people say "You haven't changed one bit!" at a reunion, is it really a good thing?


Yio Chia Hia? 18-SX Bah!

(i Remember the first time i saw this bumper-sticker, it was a lady at the wheel...
eIther she really has bad taste in bumper-stickers.....
oR she really IS such an open person?)

Thursday, June 07, 2007

7 jUne sEems rAther fAmiliar......

Daily Mockery

A : "How many times have you made the wrong choice, only to have it turn around and bite you in the arse?"

B : "Why do you think my arse is covered with bandages........"


pLumber pLumber, cAll tHe pLumber!


(pLease play the K.O. theme for the last pic.....)

Friday, May 25, 2007

25 mAy iT's fRiday,bUt wOrk tOmorrow......

Daily Mockery

aCcording to popular belief, playing dead is the only thing you could when you meet a bear......

mOst of the time, it's true.....
tHe bear will eventually leave you along......
aFter he disfigure you with its claws that it.......


tO tHe mOvies, wE gO


(wE were in the Cinema.....
iF we weren't here to see a Move, why would we be here!? tO listen to music!?)