Tuesday, August 08, 2006

8 aUgust aNd aN eArly eNtry

Daily Mockery

mAny times i would hold up my cell-phone and look at the screen with the initial thought of finding out the current time.....only to clip it back into my pocket....still clueless about what time it was......

iT frightens me sometimes......who knows one day i'd be sitting in on the toilet seat, with my pants down, forgetting what i am suppose to do in the situation......

(___ ______)""" -i think too much.......


aNd tHey cAll tHis lEgal!?

tHis is a rather late posting about an incident in the news from a while ago.....
iNitially, i heard it over the radio......and at that very moment....my heart sank.....

hOw could someone do something so cruel and ruthless.....
aNd to think, THAT particular someone is a group of people, who are suppose to be leaders of the country.....

tHink most of us would have heard about the new. wEll, unless you're a hermit living under a rock.....

sEveral weeks ago, there was an incident in Seremban, involving the, so-called, authorities breaking into the house of a family and shooting 13 of their dogs at the spot.

13!!!! 13 poor, defenceless dogs!!!!

tHis particular brother and sister had 25~26 (some papers said 25, some said 26) living with them. iT's very obvious they ARE dog-lovers. tHey were like children to them, and considering the fact that the duo weren't married, that meant the world to them.

aPparently, the, so-called, authorities had received various 'complaints' (supposedly, out of nowhere, considering the fact that the naightbours all said they've gotten used to the dogs and never made any complaints) about the dogs being a nuisance to the whole community, and decided to take action.

sO, happily they rallied a team, packed they favourite hunting guns and went dog-hunting!


nEedless to say there was blood everywhere (Faints...). aNd that's not the worse thing! tHese were living, breathing animals we are talking about here. wHat's more? tHese are cute, cuddly DOGS! cOmpanions of many lonely people and comforter of many terminally-ill patients!

aNd they just shot them! jUst like that!

wHen confront with the question of "Was is really necessary to shoot them?" . tHese, so-called, authorities replied that they were being attacked, so they hadn't any choice!

lEt's analyze the facts here, shall we?......
you broke into the house-> and the dogs guard the house-> dogs think you are a bunch of terrorist storming the territory to harm their master-> dog attacks you!

lIke Du'UH!!!!!!

iT's a UNIVERSAL FACT that dogs guard houses and their FAMILY!!!!!!

tHese people had gone WAY TOO FAR this time!
aNother thing is, what if one stray bullet accidentally hit a child in nearby?? wOuld they also say that the child tried to bite their head off as well!?

kNow what, many actually wonder if these, so-called, authorities would have done such a RAMBO-ic act if Cats were involved......
i Despise cats, and i don't even think they deserve to die like this........

tHis is clearly an ABUSE OF AUTHORITY!!!

for the news article, here's a link

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