Wednesday, December 06, 2006

6 dEcember hAppY bIrThdAy Bakyi!!!

Daily Mockery

i'Ve just found out that my little USB Bluetooth gadget is called a Bluetooth Dongle....

dOngle, which means a piece of computer hardware provided with software.

wHich, coincidentially means....
a Long, stretchy....penis......
(reference, check number 6)


i'Ve fInished iT!

i'Ve FFFF III!!!!!


Finally Finished Final Fantasy III....


i Know, i know, it's a lAme excuse of a joke......

aNd it is up to this point that i finally remembered that my dongle! iS not with me...... wHich means i am unable to upload the Final Final Fantasy 3 (i just had to do that...) save screen here...... aRGGGHHHH!!!!!

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