Friday, July 27, 2007

27 jUly cOme cOme gIant tRial!

dAily mOckery

dId you know?
tHat the Malaysian Anthem's tune came from a Hawaiian Song?
Mamula Moon - Felix Mendelssohn

iNteresting isn't it.......
iF you could do this, why stop others from doing it?



(tHey say:)

"Never judge a book by its cover"


Anonymous said...

Wahaha.. happens to mum too XD Sometimes me oso confused ^^"

ToMCaT said...

Haha... I ever face this kind of problem before too...

But the most I face this kind of problem is when I work at my father's shop there before CNY.
I work in the cashier there, and don't know whether that customer is a Chinese or Malay... =.="
But I speak English if I have confused. If I confirm that person is Chinese, then I speak Chinese directly... Lol...