Thursday, July 05, 2007

5 jUly, tHe dAy aFter Transformers....

Daily Mockery

yOu know what they say,
gOod CG and great sPecial eFfects usually mean.....
a Sucky script........

aNd they were rIght!
f-TOOOOT-! yOu Michael Bay! yOu s-TOOOOT-!
yOur name really should be read in HOKKIEN with your 'ch' pronounced as in 'Chair'!!


pOst-tRansformers sYndrome....


i Still despise Michael Bay for changing the story so much. bUt the new designs for the Transformers are growing own me......

High-Lights of the movie for me:-
- wHen Optimus Prime Spoke and i we hear the familiar voice of Peter Cullen. (goosbumps~~~~)
- wHen Megatron said,"You've failed me once again, StarScream!" (>w< fAmous Line~)
- wHen all the Autobots were hiding from Sam's parents. (hillarious!!!)

- StarScream did not sound like StarScream at all.......his voice should be annoying...
- tHe way Megatron died was...too....err........easy.........
- nEarly all the Decepticons were dead towards the end......

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