Friday, July 13, 2007

13 jUly yEt aNother dArk fRiday~~

dAily mOckery

tHe fUnny thing is that i still work so hard to even though i know not many read this blog.......

bUt you who read.
aRe the reason i carry-on.


wHo's tHe cLown hEre!?

(iNdeed! VIBRATE! cOuse he was trembling too fast to just be trembling alrady!!)

當時好像是超市開張,所以人潮很多。 我們是早上飛往詩巫,傍晚飛囘古晉。記得我們竟被超市的報導員介紹成外國來的小丑......
(i Think it was an opening event at that super market. wE flew to Sibu in the morning and back to Kuching in the evening. tHe D.J. at the supermarket actually introduced us to be from a foreign country.....)


Hotaru Ishihara said...

hey black cat...this is kim...keep going on ur blog...i love it..its so funny ur comics...LOL.....owes supporting!! yeah!! (^w^)

bC said...

tHanks for your support~~