Tuesday, April 03, 2007

3 aPril sHow mE eM eLves~!!!!!!

Daily Mockery

hEre's what's really funny.
mE cracking my head to think about what to put in my blog....
eVenthough i know that only a hand-full of people actually come here and read.

bUt i guess tHat's worth wild enough for me.



vEry often i wonder what's happening to our little town of Kuching. tHis little town used to be a place where people are polite and generous to each other.

bUt recently, things has changed quite a bit......


eVerytime the elevator doors open, people will just RUSH at you like a herd of thirsty cows to water. nO one stops to let the people inside the elevator exit first anymore, as if in doing so is a sign of weakness in the eyes of others......

tHis is really sad......


Chemical Apple said...

u in kuching? me too..
nice to meet other kuching blogger haha..

neway wat u wrote bout the elevator thingy is rite...
courtesy seems no more to ba part of the daily hustle and bustle..
its always ME ME ME...
things have changed, a lot..

p/s nice 'pictorials'..
u did it urself?

bC said...


yEs i was born and raised here in Kuching.
aNd yea, i like drawing, but don't get much time to do it these days.