Thursday, April 19, 2007

19 aPril nO cAr, nO cAr......

Daily Mockery

i Followed my parents' ride home yesterday, since my car had just been sent to the shop.

wAs messeging Rita to inform her that we were on our way to pick her up.
hEre an extract of our SMS conversation......

"Eh. How come at my brand thnk 530 then i toe out five fifty."

.......i Never knew she had a Brand....
mOreover, i never new we could use Brands to think.......


tEst yOur cOurage.......你敢嗎?


記得曾經說過她剛學會開車時,在機場路曾因爲被人超前而感到不爽。 結果跟他拼了! 還拼贏了呢! ( = A = )"

(i Remember Mom telling us about how when she just obtained her driver's liscense, got pissed when some dude overtook her on the Airport road. She raced him and won! wHich got me thinking, if her young self were living in the present, she might just be the Queen of Bako*!)

*Bako road is famous for illegal racing......

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