29 Aug i Wanna fly a kIte~~~!!!!!
dAily mOckery
tEchnically speaking......Malaysia did not become Malaysia until Sabah and Sarawak joined in.......aNd that was on 16 September 1963........
tHe eLevator.......
dAily mOckery
(cOuples planning to get married this year should join the 'pre-baking' course at least six months before date......)
(tHis is what i heard in the mandarin church notices announcement during Sunday mass........aPparently, the church has made couples that are getting married into bread........)
nOte: 烘 is pronounced 'HOONG' in mandarin and means to bake, wHereas 婚 is pronounced 'HOON', which means to wed.
gReen gReen gRass of......
(rEminds me of the 'green beans' experiment i did as a kid......)