Friday, October 31, 2008

31 December sKeletons, gHouls, sHades and wErewolves~

dAily mOckery

dAy of the dead~

dAy of the Dead~

dAy of the Dead~ dead~ Dead~~~~


Nagato X Ayanami……


(yOu’ll need a level of knowledge in anime to understand the post above)


(Nagato Yuki is a character from the Suzumiya Haruhi series. wHereas the character that Piggy mistook her for is Ayanami Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion, and she’s not an Angel (though similar). tHe rightful angel was Kowaru (17th angel, of freewill~).)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

23 October fInished CC:FVII finally~

dAily mOckery

dOwnloaded all the tools to make my own homebrew PS game for the PSP only to find out later that i would need an original game cd to make it all wok………

gReat…..(queue toilet flush here)


sTories in the cInema : 戲院裏的趣事

Friday, October 10, 2008

dAily mOckery

hAs it really been 3 years already....


mE & a bLacKCaT tUrns 3~~!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

16 sEpt iSn’t THIS tHe dAy MALAYSIA was fOrmed???

dAily mOckery

A :’nO class ah?’

b :’wAt do you mean i have no class!?’


tIssue-pAper sOda


(bTw, i Only stuff the tissue paper into my own soda can….)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

10 Sept WTF??? pRojector!?!?

dAily mOckery

i Have a tablet at home……

bUte then, i can write Chinese words with a mouse better……



mAnhattan fIsh mArket cAse: mUd pIe…..

原來老淵完全沒有注意到穎姐的舉動丫…… 結果,因爲穎姐那漫畫似的表情變化,害我們當場轟動大笑。

(Yen didn’t notice Juliet’s action at all…… iN the end, Juliet’s manga-like change of expression brought us all to tears with laughter……)

Friday, August 29, 2008

29 Aug i Wanna fly a kIte~~~!!!!!

dAily mOckery

tEchnically speaking......Malaysia did not become Malaysia until Sabah and Sarawak joined in.......aNd that was on 16 September 1963........


tHe eLevator.......


Wednesday, August 20, 2008


好友對 BATMAN: tHe dArk kNight 的感想.....


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

13 aNd tHe dArk kNight tOnight

dAily mOckery

(cOuples planning to get married this year should join the 'pre-baking' course at least six months before date......)

(tHis is what i heard in the mandarin church notices announcement during Sunday mass........aPparently, the church has made couples that are getting married into bread........)

nOte: 烘 is pronounced 'HOONG' in mandarin and means to bake, wHereas 婚 is pronounced 'HOON', which means to wed.


gReen gReen gRass of......

(rEminds me of the 'green beans' experiment i did as a kid......)

Friday, August 08, 2008




Wednesday, August 06, 2008

5 aUgust 6896

dAily mOckery

oNe morning, at a traffic stop, i say this bumper sticker

"dOn't HONK! dRiver trying to SLEEP!"

( = _ =")


pRe-wEdding pHoto sHoot


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

29 jUly......gReat........

dAily Mockery

aNd i am (100/4)+1 years old now.......


29th jUly 2008


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

08 jUly a Week aNd a hAlf tO gO.......

dAily mOckery

eVer so often i only notice mistakes after i've posted up the gif file.......
i Must be getting old........



CHMSNO.1 = Chung Hua Middle School No.1 is the high school i want to.
一中 = 古晉中華第一中學. 我的母校.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

02 July OMG i sKipped a wHole mOnth!?!?

dAily mOckery

pLease don't Kill me~~~~~~ TT_TT

i Know i was wrong for not updating......


a Friend's wEdding


Thursday, May 22, 2008

22 May fInal pArt~!!

dAily mOckery

i Am as excited about posting this story up as those to want to know how the proposal turned out and how it happened.

sO here you go.


tHe pRoposal fInale: sHe sAid......




他們在一邊歡呼,製造了不少氣氛。 在這裡,我想感謝他們~!!!
(iN the end the bunch of teenagers became the spectators~
tHe cheers really help in setting the mood. i'D really like to extend my thanks to them~!!!
i Call it fate that you were there that night~)

(aNd of course i'd like to thank Bakyi, Wee, James and Juliet, who'd just got back from Miri that day~
dOn't worry, i Still remember, i'll pay you guys back for your hard work and efforts~)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

20 May rAcing aGainst tIme~

dAily mOckery

aCk~ lOoks like we need to extend another episode XD


tHe pRoposal pArt 2: uNexpected

UP NEXT: tHe Proposal~!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

12 May 2 pArts oR 3???

dAily mOckery

jUst figured out that i need to explain was was going to happen before going any further....

sO i guess it's only practicle if i throw some explanation of the proposal plan.

sO here were go.......


tHe pRoposal pArt 1.5: tHe pLan


Friday, May 02, 2008

2 May a Long oVerdued pOst

dAily mOckery

i'Ve been putting this entry off till now coz i really dunno how every detail could fit into one.

tHus i decided to split it up into 2 posts.....

sO, here's part one.


tHe pRoposal - Part I: tHe eVe


fOot note:
- tHe Kuching Civic Centre has a tower. a Tower with 2 death counts......
- tHe Friendship Park otherwise known as 'Taman Sahabat'. tHat's superm.....i mean Cheng Ho you see in the pic.

Friday, April 11, 2008


dAily mOckery

gOsh, work has finally slowed down a little for me to update X___X

bLame it all on the new intake and the roadshows.........




Monday, March 24, 2008

19 Mar mY aNniversary~

wEll i was suppose to post this on 19 March, which was last Wednesday, which was Piggy and i's anniversary. bUt due to my office's then up-coming open day, and some other reason, it slipped my mind. bUt anyway, here goes.



Friday, March 07, 2008

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

04 mArch rUn lIke cRazy! RUN!!!!

dAily mOckery

hAve you seen the campaign banners hanging everywhere in town?

tO think these are the people who will be representing the people in politics......
yEt they are so childish as to use low-blows to their opponents.....

tHere is no hope for this country's politics........

wHat's, throwing stones at each other?


KanJiong~! 囧rz


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

26 February since i last blogged

dAily mOckery

i Wonder if they'll remember to clean up all the campaign billboards after this time's election......


木瓜電話......(pApaya pHone)

(tHis is an actual event......)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

24 February just bOred tHat's all

sOmething i mAde


hEre's where i got the urge.....

Thursday, February 21, 2008

21 February 元宵節快樂!!

Daily Mockery

"bEh hiaw siu jui kong lan par tang......"
(Direct translation: dunno how to swim say dick heavy......)


Chinese New Year (CNY) 2008 - pArt dEux

遊戲是這樣玩的: 看到烏龜車時, 就打旁邊的人. 然後被打的, 就得找另一個人打. 就是不可回手. 打的人數無限, 所以越快就越有利.
(hEre's how it's played: when you see a VW beetle, you must hit the ones around you. tHen he/she must hit another person. nO retaliating. aNd no limit to how many you can hit. tHe fastest one has the advantage.)

真的很懷念這遊戲啊. 記得高一那年, 我的班就在路旁. 有一次快放學時, 忽然一位家長駕著烏龜車經過. 班忽然轟動起來, 玩起來了. 而不是一個兩個同學, 是全班!! 真的很難忘!!
(tHis game brings back a lot of memories. i Remember back in senior 1, my class was just by the road. oNe day just before bell, a parent drove a beetle pass the class. tHere was a sudden excitement. nOt one, not two, but the Whole Class joined in!! iT was amazing!!)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

20 February....








Friday, February 15, 2008

15 February hAPPY MICKEY MOUSE~!!

dAily mOckery

wOah.....iT's the year of Jerry / Mickey / Speedy......errr......ok......


Chinese New Year (CNY) 2008

結果,外婆的名聲大升。 朋友都很喜歡她。 還有人說她是辣嫲......
(aS a result, Granny's popularity rose. mY friends all like her. sOmeone even called her a Cool Granny......)

Monday, January 28, 2008

28 jAnuary bONUS~~~~~

dAily mOckery

dEfinition of Chinese New Year:
- eNdless chores just to prepare for a few days of celebration
- sPending extra cash on new clothing....
- wAsting time in traffic jams just to do some last minute shopping......

eVery year the circle repeats.......



tHe plot was actually not bad, and i liked the concept of people having close encounters with the monsters......hOwever, the camera motion is worse than Blair Witch's......iT's Strange Days all over again for me......

Thursday, January 24, 2008

sOmething iNteresting i Came aCross

Friday, January 04, 2008

04 jAnuary 2008 iS Christmas oVer?

dAily mOckery

tHe enemy of my enemy

hAs got nothing to do with me........


tRip tO tHe bAnk

(i'M getting old........)

Thursday, January 03, 2008

03 jAnuary 2008 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8!!

dAily mOckery

OMG! iT's going to be 3 years soons!!!




NOTE: 穎姐因爲要拍家庭照,於是剛去拉直頭髮,所以跟上一篇有出入。
(Juliet's family was just about to take a family photo, thus she went and straighten her hair, hence the difference from the last posting.)