Saturday, September 29, 2007

29 sEpt tAbleTing aT wOrk~~~

dAily mOckery

i Swapped my duties with a colleague so that i won't have to work next Saturday.....

bUt then, due to intake season, i will be on duty again next Sunday.......

tHere goes my weekend.............


sCary tOilets......


(hUmans today still don't know how to use one of most basic inventions yet........sad......)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

26 sEpt eBook eBook eBook~~~~~

dAily mOckery

nOthing beats the fresh feeling of waking up in the morning....
oNly to realize....
yOu have to go to work........



mE & a bLackcaT e-Book~~

tHanks to Nicholas, my blog has been made into an e-Book and is now free for download




Wednesday, September 19, 2007

19 sEpt sIck aS a dOg......

dAily mOckery

rEpeat after me:

i Am not a Elvan Cleric....
i Am not a Elvan Cleric....
i Am not a Elvan Cleric....
i Am not a Elvan Cleric....


iMmunity mY aRse.....


Friday, September 14, 2007

14 sEpt sE tOh bEi lEi bEi lEi

dAily mOckery

tHe worse thing that could ever happen to you.....
iS waking up one morning to realize that you are the same as everybody else.....


sTrawberry sYndrome


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

12 sEpt uNder mY eh....

dAily mOckery

i Mock myself.....

80Frames.....aNd only less than 1min of animation........





(i Think i've had too much of Rounin Kenshin.......)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

11 sEptember jAy jAy jAy jAy........

dAily mOckery

aLl animals are equal.....
bUt some animals are more equal than equal.....

tHis is what happens when pigs rule the farm....

dOn't know what i mean?
gO read animal farm......


mInd f--Cked? Jay Chow~!

dOn't get me wrong, i like Jay's songs. tHat's actually the main reason i got Mind-f--cked by him in the first place, cause i listen to his songs over and over again till they're stuck in my head.....

bUt i guess you could say the guy writes songs which really relate to us on a personal level, very down to earth, very human. i Can still sing 安靜 (silence) by-heart. tHe song accompanied me through my hardest time a few years back. nOw, it's a song i can really sing well if asked to sing karaoke.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

06 sEptember mInus oNe tEnor......

Luciano Pavarotti


fOr those who don't know who this is, or are too young to remember who this is, meet Pavarotti, one of the greatest ( pun intended) man/singer that had ever lived.

hE was known not only for his 'presence', but even more for his voice.

a name that had followed me all through the years,
a name that had made it's way into jokes and admiration in my life,
a voice any man, who had sung the tenor part would kill for,
aN inspiration, a target, a standard.

hE's been called.....
hE was 71....
tHus another voice is silenced.....

yOur spirit lives on in your legacy....
yOu will always remain in my memory....

mAy you rest in peace.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

5 sEptember oNe mOnth lAte

dAily mOckery

iT's been a month now since my trip.

aNd i still haven't finished my records for the trip yet.......

oNe whole month........


mAlacca + aLi sHan = iDiots iN tHe sTreet........



起初我和豬豬本來只是想讓肉丸看看而已。 誰知道,他一看,不由自主地也跟著我們跳了起來。結果,就這樣,三個笨蛋在馬六甲的大街上,在大白天跳起阿里山-山地舞......
(aT first Piggy and i only wanted to show Bakyi. wHo would've though when he turned and saw, he unconsciously got influenced and started dancing too. tHus, 3 idiots were dancing the the Alishan folk dance in the middle of street, in broad daylight, in Malacca......)

(iT was not until a few dance moves later that Bakyi finally realised what he was doing.....)