Friday, May 25, 2007

25 mAy iT's fRiday,bUt wOrk tOmorrow......

Daily Mockery

aCcording to popular belief, playing dead is the only thing you could when you meet a bear......

mOst of the time, it's true.....
tHe bear will eventually leave you along......
aFter he disfigure you with its claws that it.......


tO tHe mOvies, wE gO


(wE were in the Cinema.....
iF we weren't here to see a Move, why would we be here!? tO listen to music!?)

Monday, May 14, 2007

14 mAy lAnslide........! ePs 22.....

Daily Mockery

hOw do you stop an Exploding man?
sHoot him! hE asked you to do it.....
tHis case, is called Peter Petrelli.

hOw do you stop TWO exploding MEN?
sHoot one, stab the other.....
tHis case is called Heroes......

yEs, i have an addiction......
i'M a Heroes Junkie......


mAn hIts bAll, bAll aVanges.......


那天, 我終于明白了人人常說的那句 “打球?球打我就有啦~!”的真正意思.....
(tHat day, i finally understood the meaning of "me play ball? more like the ball'll play me")

Friday, May 11, 2007

11mAy or dIsmay?

Daily Mockery

hOw can you be sure that what we have proven with our science is the truth, and reality?

fOr all we know, our definition of Science was wrong in the first place!


aNd nOw wE hAve 13!?


雞婆是吵吵的母親。 她拐走小狗的理由可能是怕吵吵不會照顧罷......
(Kaypoh is Cha Cha's mother, by the way. tHe reason she snatched the puppy could be because she was worried that Cha Cha might not know what to do......
bEsides, this IS the first time Cha Cha became a mother after all..........)

Monday, May 07, 2007

sTory BEHIND Venom.....

nO, dear o' Peter didn't throw away the Venom Symbiot out of a guilty conscience......
hEre's what truely happened......

nO wonder he was so very eager to get rid of such power.

LINK to where this came from

Thursday, May 03, 2007

3 mAy aLready??

Daily Mockery

GaL:"Who will you save first if your buddy and I fell into the water?"

Guy:"I'll jump into the water..."


Guy:"And we can all drown together, coz you know i got no limbS, you SCHMACK!"

Moral of the story.....
cHoose your 'what-if' questions wisely......



tHe sTreamyx connection has been down since 30th April......
fOr some reasons, it always seem to get like this before some major holiday......