dAily mOckery
sOmetimes it’s not always about the people that hurt us recently……
sOmetimes it’s about who we hurt in the past…
dAily mOckery
Teacher : Why don't you do chores at home?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
iT's hEre... aGain...
dAily mOckery
yOu left him alone….
yOu then when he tried to talk to you….
yOu ask him to talk to GOD…..
wHen he goes off looking for someone to talk to….
yOu criticize him…..
bUt have you noticed?
yOu’re turning into him…..
hE’s you FATHER after all….
dAily mOckery
tO raise or not to raise?
bEats me, all i know is that the general public will not profit from anything decision they make….
那時候也忘記爲什麽會談到剃頭發的了….. (cOuldn’t recall what made us talk about shaving our heads…..)
dAily mOckery
aS if abandoning them after years of slaving for you isn’t enough, now you want to take away their chance to live just so you can tell yourself you’re doing the right thing and they’re in a better place.
pOint is…..
yOu don’t know that!
tHey have as much right as you to live out their lives.
hOw can you even look at yourself in the mirror every morning, knowing that you’ve murderred?!
tAlk about irony!
hOw quickly we humans judge a death on who they subject is that we forget that they are actually living, breathing beings made of flesh and has feelings. jUst as the likes of us…..
tHe irony…..
通往這門的走廊是很少人會去的(除了一些偷偷到那裏抽煙的傢伙們)。 忽然看到長髮的‘東西’飃過當然會受驚罷……結果這女的竟然在這種地方聼電話……
(tHe corridor to this exit is usually deserted, cept to a bunch of people who often smoke there against building regulations. sEeing something with long-hair suddenly glide by the window is enough to give some one a heart-attack…..bUt for reasons unknown this lady chose to take a call here…)
dAily mOckery
i'M married!!!
當天的行程是 (Schedule for the day)
- 8am:婚禮彌撒 (Wedding Mass)
- 之後茶點,然後到苦修院探望 (High-Tea then to Carmelite)
- 然後到Lodge school 附近的公園拍照 (Photo session at park near Lodge School)
- 11am:囘家裏敬茶 (Tea Ceremony at home)
- 然後午餐 (Lunch for all)