Monday, March 24, 2008

19 Mar mY aNniversary~

wEll i was suppose to post this on 19 March, which was last Wednesday, which was Piggy and i's anniversary. bUt due to my office's then up-coming open day, and some other reason, it slipped my mind. bUt anyway, here goes.



Friday, March 07, 2008

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

04 mArch rUn lIke cRazy! RUN!!!!

dAily mOckery

hAve you seen the campaign banners hanging everywhere in town?

tO think these are the people who will be representing the people in politics......
yEt they are so childish as to use low-blows to their opponents.....

tHere is no hope for this country's politics........

wHat's, throwing stones at each other?


KanJiong~! 囧rz
