26 February since i last blogged
dAily mOckery
i Wonder if they'll remember to clean up all the campaign billboards after this time's election......
木瓜電話......(pApaya pHone)
(tHis is an actual event......)
Daily Mockery
"bEh hiaw siu jui kong lan par tang......"
(Direct translation: dunno how to swim say dick heavy......)
Chinese New Year (CNY) 2008 - pArt dEux
遊戲是這樣玩的: 看到烏龜車時, 就打旁邊的人. 然後被打的, 就得找另一個人打. 就是不可回手. 打的人數無限, 所以越快就越有利.
(hEre's how it's played: when you see a VW beetle, you must hit the ones around you. tHen he/she must hit another person. nO retaliating. aNd no limit to how many you can hit. tHe fastest one has the advantage.)
真的很懷念這遊戲啊. 記得高一那年, 我的班就在路旁. 有一次快放學時, 忽然一位家長駕著烏龜車經過. 班忽然轟動起來, 玩起來了. 而不是一個兩個同學, 是全班!! 真的很難忘!!
(tHis game brings back a lot of memories. i Remember back in senior 1, my class was just by the road. oNe day just before bell, a parent drove a beetle pass the class. tHere was a sudden excitement. nOt one, not two, but the Whole Class joined in!! iT was amazing!!)
dAily mOckery
wOah.....iT's the year of Jerry / Mickey / Speedy......errr......ok......
Chinese New Year (CNY) 2008
結果,外婆的名聲大升。 朋友都很喜歡她。 還有人說她是辣嫲......
(aS a result, Granny's popularity rose. mY friends all like her. sOmeone even called her a Cool Granny......)