Friday, November 30, 2007

30 nOvember wIth hAir~!

dAily mOckery

tOo bad Claire won't get Adam's powers if she cuts off his head, like a highlander does ... X3


mY bAck sOftly oN yOur hAir.....

(aCtually. what piggy meant was: my hair softly on your back. bUt her old habit just kicked-in again......)

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

27 aNd mY dIgi eXpired.......

dAily mOckery

i'Ve been cracking my head so hard, trying to remember the initial topic i had planned, that i actually forgot to update.......



tHe 2 games in question here are:-
- Rockman X: Maverick Hunter for the PSP
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2

ファイラ - is Japanese for a Flame magic in the Final Fantasy series. pRonounced: F-a-i-ra.

Friday, November 09, 2007

09 nOvember dA rI rI rAm dA rI rAm~

dAily mOckery

wHen you tell the truth...
yOu are doubted.....

wHen you tell a lie....
tHey believe.......


bLurred! ePisode - 2!

(uNfortunate for Piggy, there were a few night shift staffs who were still lingering just outside the gate that morning and saw her absent minded actions and broke into a storm of laughter......)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

08 nOvember rAff! rAff! rAff!

dAily mOckery

i'Ve finally given into my curiosity.............

i've joined Facebook...................


Kiap Tu Tao! 挾。豬。頭!

(i Couldn't stop laughing all the way home that day......)