Friday, March 30, 2007

30 mArch fInally~~~~~

Daily Mockery

Hiro Nakamura is a character from Heroes who has the ability to bend time and space, therefore letting him travel through time and teleport. iN the first episode, he managed to telepor to New York City's Times Square.

hEre's what might have happened in another reality.......
...hEroes (hIro's) no more........




Friday, March 23, 2007

23 March dOn't dUn Dunno~~~

Daily Mockery

wHat do you get when you cross a Zebra with a road??

wHat? yOu were expecting a zebra crossing??? gEt real~



i Know many people who either don't have the time or don't have the habbit of taking baths. tHings can get really, how should i put it, "chanllenging" for the nose after a hot day's work.

i Guess that's y some dude invented the perfume and deodorant.....

sCent is actually one of nature's gift/curse to all living creatures. fLowers use it to attract insects and animals, which eventually leads to reproduction. tHis is a fact that isn't so much different for animals.

iN case you've lost you sense of smell or just plain couldn't care less about it, everyone has an individual ordor. iT serves as a kind of identity for us all. tHough being the 'advance' creatures that we are, we've given up smelling each other's butts to identify each other..... hEck, we've even invented chemicals to remove/cover-up our own odor......

fOr many these days, deodorant and perfumes has become an essential part of their lives. eVery morning/afternoon/evening/night they'd apply some to themselves just so that they feel more secure about themselves.....
sOme even use it to attract more attention to themselves....

fOr me, i wonder if it's cause i was born the year of the Dog...... aS i have a sensitive nose.....

pErfume to me, is like poisonous gas... iT makes my nose clog-up; my eyes well-up; and even pop a few blood-vessels in my eye......mAybe....

sOmething that often happens to me on my way to work having to share an elevator with someone with nearly a WHOLE BOTTLE of perfume/deodorant on.....
tHe isolation..... tHe torture...... bLackout.............

i'Ve always liked the original scent of women.
iT's natural.
iT's individual.
iT's attractive.
iT's You.
aNd i hardly think it'll kill anyone if you stuff it up someone's nose.....i Think.....